Saturday, September 8, 2012

The Beta is In...

...and this is the post that will make you think I am crazy, that is, if you don't already.

Last night when I was telling C about the beta, I said that I wanted a number over 100, but that for whatever reason, I really wanted something in the 400s. That would be better.

I didn't mention this to him at the time, but I was stuck on this number all day. Even before I told him, I kept thinking over and over, It should be around 455. I want 455. I have no idea why, I was just fixated on this number.

C was going paintballing today with some guys from my work, many of whom he has never met before. To make him more comfortable, I tagged along for the ride up, then I planned to run some errands in the area, then go back and pick him up. The whole way there, he was fixated on this phone call. He wanted the call to come in before we got to the paintball park, but I told him that this was unlikely and that the call could come anywhere between 11am and 5pm.

Of course, when we were just a mile or two away from the place, my phone rings. The nurse excitedly tells me that it is positive and congratulates me. The beta was 456. I kid you not.

For now, the protocol is to continue with three daily Estrace, 2cc of PIO and the progesterone suppositories. All of my levels looked really good, so we're continuing with the same dosages. She also said to add a prenatal vitamin, but I have already been taking these for a few weeks. I was beginning to run low on vitamins, so I added this to the list of errands for the day.

At Walmart (while C was running around the woods covered in paint), I picked up a new weekly pill organizer, more vitamins, and a bunch of other household crap that we needed. I even allowed myself to wander through the baby section, not because I wanted anything, but because it was no longer painful to be there.

I don't have any official pregnancy instructions yet, but I am definitely cutting as many chemicals and artificial ingredients as possible. I gave up my beloved Diet Coke a few days ago (I probably should have done this a long time ago, but hey...) and I am trying not to eat junk.

I have to return on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and hopefully Sunday for four more betas and this stressed me out a bit. As much as this is the most important thing in the world to me right now, I don't see my job looking kindly on me missing my first class three days this week. Luckily, the IVF nurse said that I could use a local storefront lab and just have the reports sent to Cooper, so this is probably what I am going to do.

...And now we wait and think happy, beta-doubling thoughts...

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