Sunday, October 2, 2011

One week to go...

...until we find out whether or not this cycle was a success. 

Normally after my IUI, I just waited two weeks, took an HPT, then waited for a new cycle to begin and scheduled my next baseline ultrasound.  I have never had a beta draw because I guess I never really needed it.

This time, I was required to back to the RE one week after the IUI.  In the study, they do a post-IUI ultrasound and blood draw, though they really don't provide many answers at this point.  They measured the thickness of my lining, counted the antral follicles in each ovary and confirmed that both ovaries had, in fact, ovulated the lead follice on the left and the smaller, less mature follicle on the right.  Even though I knew that the second follicle was most likely immature and small, it did make me feel better to know that I had two this round instead of just one. 

Unfortunately, they found during the ultrasound that the left ovary cyst is still there and slightly larger than before, and there is a new cyst, also in the left.  If this cycle is not successful, that may mean that I need a break cycle to let these cysts shrink down, especially if they are affecting my hormone levels. 

After the blood draw, they never called back with results, so I am not sure what they were testing for, or if it was just more material for the study.  I was incredibly relieved that Saturday's appointment was the only monitoring I needed for the whole week because I was really getting tired of all those blood draws.  The phlebotomist also bruised my arm pretty good yesterday on my "best vein" and I am glad it will have a week to recover.

Next Saturday, I will go in for another blood draw, the beta draw, to see if we are pregnant.  I will definitely take an HPT this time because I think waiting around all day for the phone call would be torturous.  If the HPT is positive, I will just be looking forward to hearing how strong our numbers are, and if is negative, I will also be interested in hearing our numbers, and I can deal with it at home instead of wherever I am when the phone rings.  I hope this is it!!

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