Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Well, that was fun...

Just as I suspected, but tried to deny, it's officially over and a new cycle has begun...

This afternoon, when I became *aware* of the situation, I called the study coordinator to try to get the ball rolling for a September cycle.  We missed each other this afternoon, so I will call her again in the morning, hopefully to set up a CD3 baseline ultrasound for Saturday morning. 

Onwards to better news, my boss flew into my classroom absolutely frantic this morning because she overbooked the gym with three simultaneous classes.  She asked if we wouldn't mind switching our rotating prep/special period to first instead of third.  I gave an enthusiastic yes. 

This means that I will have a free period first thing each morning, which is awesome for my convenience in planning and prepping, but it also means that I can come in late sometimes if need be for study appointments!  We are already two days into school and the kids have already been given their schedules, so this was completely unexpected, but I am so happy.

The stress and anxiety about whether or not we would be able to cycle was killing me lately, but I am feeling a lot better today.  Even if they want to be sticklers about the schedule, I have more than 20 sick days they can start docking if they want.  This is something I need to do, and I am really excited that I will have the opportunity!

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