Thursday, September 8, 2011

It looks like this is a go!

After some phone tag yesterday afternoon, I was able to get a hold of the study coordinator this morning.  To my surprise, there is more paperwork and a questionnaire for me and C, so she asked that I come in tomorrow rather than Saturday.  She was kind enough to make me an ultrasound appointment for 7:30 and even offered to come in at 7:15 so that I can get back to work as quickly as possible. 

Tomorrow, I will meet with the study coordinator to finish up the paperwork, then get several vials of blood drawn (yikes!) and my CD2 baseline ultrasound.  As I mentioned before, the monitoring during this study is much more frequent and more thorough than in typical clinical practice, so they will be testing all sorts of hormonal levels in the blood, as well as including our anonymous DNA in further studies of infertility.  (Yikes again!)

After they determine once and for all that we are eligible for the study, we will be randomized and assigned our meds tomorrow afternoon.  I will most likely have to return to the office on Saturday to pick up the meds and submit C's questionnaire.

Much to C's horror, however, his semen analysis results expired at the end of last month.  We were just informed today that he would have to produce another sample for tomorrow.  Initially, we thought he would have to come to the appointment with me and call into work late, but it now seems that our study coordinator has gone out of her way to be super accommodating again!  He will still have to provide a sample, but as long as it is accompanied by a copy of his driver's license and a signed note, he doesn't have to come in!

So far, working with the coordinators and REs in this study has been a pleasure.  I hope this is the ticket to our sticky BFP!

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