Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Seriously, WTF?

This cycle has been insane. 

As I mentioned before, my cycles have been running almost exactly 28 days for years, so when I hit CD31, I tested and it was a stark white BFN.  I figured that a period would be right around the corner, so I just rolled with it and waited for the inevitable...

Now it is the evening of CD35, roughly 5-7 days late.  I decided yesterday that I would test again since I was so late, but that I would just use a dollar store cheapie HPT.  I stopped and picked up tests yesterday evening and figured that I would test this morning, figuring that AF might show her ugly face by morning anyway. 

I woke up early this morning and tested - BFN.  More than 12 hours later, still no sign of AF. 

Excuse the phrase, but this cycle is a total mindf@ck.  I know that irregular cycles are certainly common in the IF community, but this has never been the case for me.  It is really throwing me for a loop that I am now experiencing a problem, a symptom, that I have never had before.  Maybe I am overreacting...

I am just afraid that this is the end of the road for a while when this cycle finally ends.  Today was the first day of school and it was very apparent how much the other five teachers all rely on me, and my boss has been pretty abrupt and overly-frantic about her responsibilities lately.  The more we discuss it, the more C and I think that we will not be able to participate in this study.  We have also been crunching the numbers lately and an OOP injectible/IUI cycle is looking less and less possible. 

Even though every moment in this journey has been difficult, this really feels like the most hopeless point yet so far.  I am trying to stay hopeful, but I really feel like we are out of feasible options right now.

I honestly do not know what to do next, and even if we can devise a plan, I do not know when we would actually be able to try.  This just sucks.

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