Friday, May 10, 2013

The Ghosts of Trimesters Past

This is the last official week of pregnancy, seven days to the 40w mark, and just to keep things interesting, it seems my body has compiled a greatest hits collection of our finest pregnancy moments.

Remember the indigestion that kept us up all night with a burning esophagus and substance burps so disgusting, we sometimes vomited? Poof! Let's do that again!

How about the achy fever and flu-like symptoms from December that laid us out for days because of our "suppressed immune system?" Abracadabra! Let's take that for a spin again for a few hours!

Did you miss your seasonal allergies and the rash and breakouts around your nose and mouth that accompanied them? No fear! They're back!

While other people were made sick in the first trimester by smells or foods, I got sick from showering. Other people talked about nausea or hip pain. I just got wild acid reflux, unexplained hives in Florida and breakouts around my lips.

Yes, pregnancy has been a relatively easy journey for me so far, but with symptoms unlike anyone else warned me, and apparently the final days will be no different. Instead of feeling "big" or "just uncomfortable," I am awake at 3:30 this morning from indigestion, burning eyes and a really annoying song going through my head for the umpteenth time. I am so ready to be done, but not because of pains, aches, or "bigness," just because I am so tired from not sleeping and I am just ready to finally meet my son. I'd rather be not sleeping right now because of him than because of an incessant runny nose and re-living my past two meals in my upper digestive tract...

Well, for now I will try again to sleep since I have to go to work in the morning. One of my dogs and my husband are both blissfully snoring, probably dreaming about how neither one of them has to get up tomorrow or do work of any kind, so I'll just try to overcome that last obstacle and get back to sleep. One last thing everyone said would happen that is totally true, I'm hot all the time and tomorrow will be the hottest day in Philly so far in 2013. Now to drift off to sleep to prepare for the sweating that awaits me tomorrow... Goodnight, blogosphere.

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