Thursday, May 16, 2013

Eviction Notice!

Let's be real - we all knew this kid would be a c-section. It's official after today's OB appointment and I'm fine with it, but it did really hit me earlier today and I had a strange reaction.

At my appointment today, my cervix is still completely closed and the head is still sitting high. My blood pressure, however, was slightly elevated, but was completely normal when laying on my side. (Apparently this means something...) There was some protein in my urine specimen, though, and that is cause for some concern. They decided that it would be best to schedule a c-section for Monday.

I have a Non Stress Test tomorrow back at the OB to make sure that everything is still OK with Charley, then we'll just be taking it easy, tying up loose ends and waiting around for Monday!

When they first told me, I took the news just fine. As I wandered back out into the waiting room, however, I had an overwhelming urge to just cry. Not out of fear or disappointment, but just pure shock that this is really happening. I have been so comfortable waiting that labor always seemed so distant. Especially after hearing today that there was no dilation, it just seemed like there would be more endless waiting. But no! I allowed myself a few minutes to breathe in the car, then I told C the news. Now I am just excited that this guy is finally coming!

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