Thursday, August 25, 2011

Officially in the 2ww...

To veterans of fertility treatment, the "2ww" is the two-week wait after treatment until one can test. 

This morning, I had my fourth IUI on my fifth medicated cycle.  This is our second cycle with Femara, but for the first cycle, we had to cancel the IUI for personal reasons (and a lack of the Ovidrel injection). 

At the CD12 ultrasound, they were able to see one mature follicle, relatively large in size.  My RE opted to let me go for one more day, then trigger the next day.  I triggered on Monday night and scheduled the IUI for this morning.

On our initial SA, there were no problems with my husband's sperm count or quality, but the count and quality have been less consistent with each IUI.  During our second IUI, the on-call RE performed the IUI at the Center City location and came into the exam room announcing, "So, your husband has a low sperm count?"  I replied, "Um, no."  Her response, "Well, he does today."  Gee, thanks for your sensitivity, lady.  On that day, his count was around 17 million with lower motility.

Luckily, today, the initial count was around 50 million with 51% motility.  After washing, we had 45 million with 91% motility, and the RE seemed pretty pleased with these numbers.  Also, the IUI was uneventful and went well, so I am trying to remain hopeful. 

I have done a lot of research into IVF and adoption options in the past few weeks and it has been humbling and upsetting.  I will go over the specifics in a separate post, but even the best scenarios seem nearly impossible.  I am trying to remain hopeful for these IUIs because they may be our last shot for a long time...

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