Friday, October 19, 2012

Shrink. Shrank. Shrunk.

The news was almost all good yesterday at my afternoon appointment. The hematoma has not only shrunk significantly, but it has moved down lower near the cervix which is a much safer place for the baby.

The sac and the fetus are both measuring on time at 10 weeks and everything looked really good. At the beginning of the scan, the little bean was pretty active, but toward the end he/she had calmed down quite a bit.

The nurse was satisfied enough with the results to start weening me off the PIO injections, but continue the suppositories. I will now only be taking the PIO every other day.

Last week at Melrose, I requested to have the full "fifth beta" draw, which was really more like my tenth beta. Apparently during the last draw, they need several more vials and to check many other levels other than just beta, estradiol and progesterone.

I received a phone call on Monday with the beta and other hormone levels, but they shared the rest of the results with me yesterday at the appointment. Apparently my TSH (thyroid) level was around 3.3 and they like to see it under 2. So now I guess I am having some thyroid issues.

My nurse didn't seem overly concerned about the thyroid, however, and prescribed a simple oral medication (Synthroid) to regulate the levels. She claims that it may cause me to sleep better, lose less hair, lose weight and improve my skin, so I must admit, I am pretty OK with this diagnosis...

Anyway, I am really excited to be somewhat back to normal. I am still not lifting anything heavy or overexerting myself, but I am no longer on complete bed rest. I am so ready to just be pregnant and start sharing the news instead of living in fear of the darn hematoma!


  1. Just wanted to say that I am happy things are going well so far and that I also nominated you for a Liebster Blogging Award.

  2. Thanks so much! It really means a lot to me that others are reading this, even if there are only a few of you ladies!
